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Shop Kaiser Willys

Axle to Frame Leaf Spring Bumper (snubber)
Fits 41-71 Jeep & Willys

Part # 945577

New Replacement Axle to Frame Leaf Spring Bumper (4 required per vehicle)

Quality reproduction rubber snubber that bolt to underside of frame channel to protect front and rear axles from metal to metal contact over rough terrain.

41-45 MB
41-45 GPW
46-49 CJ-2A
49-53 CJ-3A
53-64 CJ-3B
55-71 CJ-5
50-52 M38
52-66 M38A1
46-64 Truck
46-64 Station Wagon
48-51 Jeepster

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The bumper assembly is missing completely from the driver side front on my Willys. My configuration (CJ-2A Serno 66521) has those cast iron blocks (I think they may be called spacers) with the right front and both rear bumpers. Should those spacers be with all the bumpers? My CJ-2A Master Parts List shows them only with the rear springs/bumpers. If they are required on all four sided do you have a POC to get a replacement spacer? GROUP 27 - 04 : SPRINGS -- SPRING BUMPERS Part No. Description Useage Qty Superceded Lists A-481 Bumper, Axle, Front and Rear Spring 4 1,2,3 51396 BOLT, hex. hd., 5/16"-24 x 3/4" Axle bumper to frame 4 1,2,3 51308 BOLT, hex. hd., 5/16"-24 x 2" Axle bumper to frame 4 1,2,3 51833 LOCKWASHER, 5/16" Axle bumper to frame 8 1,2,3 640207 SPACER, rear axle bumper to frame (Up to Serial No. 106805) 2 1,2,3

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Typically you only see them on the rear. But there is a serial number split which I believe they changed some things on the spacers as well.

I have a 47 cj2a and need two of these for the front frame above the axle, will these fit?

Willys Tech:
Yes, it fits all the vehicles listed above.

1) Do the bolts that hold these on have nuts on the back (inside the frame) or do they just screw into the frame? 2) What is the distance between the bolt holes? Thanks!

Willys Tech:
On most vehicles the frame was tapped for them. They are approx. 4" c to c like original.

Are these original to a gpw? my frame has no holes for them.

Willys Tech:
Yes, the early Willys had them as well.

On June 5th, 2011, Bradley asks if the Snubber is solid rubber or the bottom metal plate coated in rubber. The answer given was, yes that's correct. Which answer is correct? I am assuming that it's metal coated in rubber.

Willys Tech:
There is a metal bottom plate that is the base. It is coated in rubber as well.

On my Cj2a there are two cast iron blocks bolted to the bottom of the frame above the rear axle. They are about 1 thick and they have a stamped sheet metal plate on the block with the remains of a rubber bumper in it. Does this part fit with this arrangement?

Willys Tech:
Yes these will line up with your spacer too.

Are these solid rubber, or is the bottom plate metal coated in rubber?

Willys Tech:
Yes that is correct.

will these fit on my 1964 FC 170?

Willys Tech:
Yes, this should work for you.
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