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Shop Kaiser Willys

Chrome Clamp on Door Mirror Kit with 5" Round Mirror
Fits 46-64 Willys Truck, Station Wagon

Part # 953380

New Replacement Chrome Clamp on Door Side View Mirror Kit with 5" Round Mirror.

This is a clip on style mirror that requires no drilling and can be clipped on the doors edge anywhere desired.

Great option if the body is painted and you don't want to drill any holes. This mirror head is 5" in diameter.

46-64 Truck
46-64 Station Wagon

All harware is included

Part # Price


MSRP: $32.99


MSRP: $32.99

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Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Im sure you could paint there if you wanted to.

Where do I find the wiring diagram and the complete installation instructions of the fuel gauge for a 1963 Willys Truck? I just bought the truck and the gauge is not functioning. I noticed a red wire coming from the gauge in the engine compartment not connected. I'm trying to determine where it should connect. Thank you. John Duffy

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
If you ordered 914845 from us then our diagram for it is there on how to wire it up.

Where do these mirrors actually attach?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
They use 2 set screws that are rubber insulated to not make a mark on your window channel. it will clamp to it.

will these fit an a 54 Aero?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
I'm sure you can make it work. You may have to modify them to fit though. Thanks

Will this mirror fit on a 1930 Model A Ford Fordor? Thank you.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Sorry, I am not familiar with that vehicle.

Will these fit a 58 FC 170? If not, do you have mirrors that would?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
This would be the closest mirror i know to fit without drilling

Is the kit only for one side or does it involve both sides?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
These mirrors are sold individually. If you need two, you have to buy two. Thanks!

Will these fit a 48-49 Jeepster?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
No they will not. They are only for the Willys listed above.

The listing states "clamp on". How does the mirror attach to the body?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
It uses a rubber pad and 2 set screws so it wont leave a mark.

Does this fit on the passenger door as well?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes these will work for both.

Will these fit on a 1964 FC 170?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, these should fit on your Willys FC as well.

How long is the shaft on this mirror. i want to make sure the vent window clears it. Thanks

Willys Tech:
It measures approx. 6" in length.

Does the mirror pivot or is it fixed in place, it is difficult to tell from the pictures.

Willys Tech:
The head does swivel a bit for adjustment.

Did the original 61 jeep station wagons have any exterior mirrors? If so, like this side on?

Willys Tech:
Yes, This is what we currently sell. You could also use part number: 663642K

i need to know if this works for both sides?

Willys Tech:
Yes this will work for both sides.

exactly how far apart are the two set screw holes? Thanks JIM

Willys Tech:
They are approx 1/2 but will have to get an exact measurement for you.

Did the original 1962 Jeep Willys Truck have one or two mirrors?

Willys Tech:
They typically only had one.

How much is shipping to zip code 55084 in Minnesota? For item no#953380 Truck mirror.

Willys Tech:
We can get free shipping on most orders over $98 except for tires and heavy/oversized items.
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