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Shop Kaiser Willys

Clutch & Brake Pedal Felt Draft Seal Kit
Fits 41-66 MB, GPW, CJ-2A, 3A, 3B, 5, M38, M38A1

Part # 906640

New Clutch and Brake Pedal Felt Draft Seal Kit (1 required per vehicle)

Complete kit for both pedals. Comes with pair of felt grommets, springs, and flat washers to seal the hole in your floor board behind each pedal. Slides over pedal arm rod on firewall side.

41-45 MB
41-45 GPW
46-49 CJ-2A
49-53 CJ-3A
53-64 CJ-3B
55-66 CJ-5
50-52 M38
52-66 M38A1

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I see one kit with felt and one with rubber? Can I ask if there's a difference as the both say they are for M38? Is one "more" correct then the other? Confused as to which to order. Thanks, Dave

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
I do believe the felt kit is more period correct but the rubber kit will probably seal better over time.

How does one install the felt draft-seal kit? I assume it fits over the hole for the pedal shaft in the floor, and the shaft passes through the spring, steel washer and felt disk. How is the assembly retained to the floor?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Its goes in from the back side of the firewall. So the pedal return spring keeps the hole closed and seal when the pedal is not depressed.
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