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Shop Kaiser Willys

Clutch Friction Disc 8-1/2"
Fits 41-71 Jeep & Willys with 4-134 & 6-161 engine

Part # 930731

New Replacement Clutch Friction Disc 8-1/2"

Replaces your greasy, worn out friction discs. Ensure proper shifting.

4-134 engine
6-161 engine

41-45 MB
41-45 GPW
46-49 CJ-2A
49-53 CJ-3A
53-64 CJ-3B
55-71 CJ-5
50-52 M38
52-66 M38A1
46-53 Truck
46-53 Station Wagon
48-51 Jeepster

Part # Price





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I have an eight and half inch disc with 6 springs. This disc only has four, would this be a problem. (1952 / 134) Thanks.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Id have to get more vehicle information from you. Please email mike@kaiserwillys.com

I bought a new friction disk a few weeks back because the 4 tangential springs were broken in the old disk. 1) Can this be caused by another problem that I have to fix? 2) What could be the cause of this failure? 3) Does this happen often? Thanks.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Make sure your flywheel surface is good and your free pedal travel is set correctly.

Do you have a disk this size to fit an 1-1/8" input shaft 10 spline?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Email mike@kaiserwillys.com some more vehicle information and we can help.

Does this come with a clutch alignment tool?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
930733 is for the alignment tool

Which side is towards the flywheel?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
It only mounts one way. The protruding hub goes away from so it mounts flush.

What is the spline diameter of this? Will it fit the T98 imput shaft which is 15/16"?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, it will work. Both the T98a and the T90 transmissions they used in the 1965 jeep used a 15/16" 10 spline input shaft.

does this work on my truck 1963 willys 4-134 item #930731 ? thank you

Willys Tech:
Yes, as long as you have the 4-134 engine with the 8.5" friction disc.

How thick is this disc if you measure it as new with a set of calipers?

Willys Tech:
.4 like original

can you tell me the width of the friction disc, just the part that contacts the pressure plate and flywheel....thanks.

Willys Tech:
This is a 8.5 friction disc.

dose it have 10 splines? Does it fit the original main drive gear?

Willys Tech:
Yes that is correct. This is just like origninal.
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