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Shop Kaiser Willys

Clutch Release Cable
Fits 54-64 Truck, Station Wagon with 6-226 engine

Part # 942622

New Replacement Clutch Release Cable (bellcrank to fork)

New steel cable measures 13-5/8"

6-226 engine

54-64 Truck
54-64 Station Wagon

Part # Price


MSRP: $22.99


MSRP: $22.99

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I have a 51 pickup with the F-134. There is a 15-151/2" clutch cable that was unhooked when I received it. I am not sure where it hooks up on the clutch end. It appears to be too long to hook up to the fork. Do you have and diagrams showing this connection?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech: See this link. Please email to help out.

I am looking for the rubber washers / grommets that go under the valve cover bolt heads. I cannot find them on this site. Should I try to get them locally? Are these generic, whereas I can get them at an auto parts store or specific to the 1960 Willy's 134-F engine?

Willys Tech:
Yes, we are working on carrying those now. We should have stock on them in the next few weeks.

Will this fit a '69 J-2000? I'm looking to replace all the leaf springs on the truck, front and rear and I am having a hard time finding any description for my Kaiser...thanks!

Willys Tech:
This is for C101 Jeepster only. The J-series leaf spring please call us toll free and we can try to help.

I am sorry I gave you 53 instead of 54 on a Willys PU clutch cable question. It was built in Oct. 1953 with a 4 cylinder. It has a small rear window, everything I have found on it outside of the grill is 53. My question is this, will the cable for a 54 6 cylinder fit a 54 4 cylinder?

Willys Tech:
They are different when they went over to the 6-226 engine.

I have a1953 Willys PU 4 cylinder and I need a clutch cable. I don't see any for this year, will a 1954 6 cylinder work? Vern

Willys Tech:
They are rod operated. There is no cable.

I didn't see a listing for front springs for the commandos. Are they the same as a CJ5?

Willys Tech:
The Jeepster is the Commando. They are the same thing.

is the same lef and right the rear leaf spring assembly is the price is one each

Willys Tech:
This is each. Yes they are the same passenger and drivers side.

Replacing rear mono leaf with your multi-leaf, do you provide new correct length U-bolts? Vehicle is 1967 Jeepster Commando.

Willys Tech:
Please call us toll free. We may be able to help out.
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