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Complete Transmission Overhaul Kit (6-226 engine)
Fits 54-64 Truck, Station Wagon with T-90 Transmission

Part # T90K-L

Complete Transmission Overhaul Kit

Everything you need to completely redo your entire transmission. Just keep your old case. Kit includes all New gears, shafts, bearings, gaskets, seals, synchronizer, snap rings, thrust washers, & roller bearings. The most complete kit available and highest quality parts guarantee.

T-90 Transmission with 6-226 engine

54-64 Truck
54-64 Station Wagon

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64 international pickup truck 4 Cyl. T 90-1B transmission need the main shaft pilot bearing it takes 20 of them pilot shaft 10 inches long 10 spine. Hope you can help.

Willys Jeep Tech.:
Sorry, Im really not sure on an International Truck. They are not a Willys. It could be the same but I cant confirm for you.


Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
11 5/8"

is this the correct kit for a 1966 cj5 with the factory oddfire v6 engine? thanks

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
As long as you have the T90 transmission yes.

Is shipping included on this T90 overhaul kit? If not how much to zip 74105? Thanks.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Free shipping to the 48 states.

I have a 1962 Truck. 226 Super Hurricane, 4wh drive. I've noticed that there are different T90 cases. T90A, T90C, T90J. I have a spare T90A case. Will this kit Fit the T90A case that I have & be a direct replacement to my current combination? I thought I'd rebuild this case, instead of taking the transmission out of the jeep & rebuilding it. Thanks

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Good news is all T90 cases are interchangable. The T90A was the standard ones used with 4 cylinder, T90C was the gearing one and T90J used in Truck/SW. But they all will interchange parts.

Can a T-90 be fitted with a first gear syncro? If not, what transmission can I substitute that will give me a first gear syncro.

David Overton:
I had the same question for my 68 cj5. I found a T14 that is synchronized in all forward gears as well as reverse. Very hard to find parts for. I believe they were only used behind the 225 v6 from the factory. It was an easy change with the case bolting up to the T18 case and 225 bell Housing.
Willys Tech:
Sorry, you will only be able to keep this as original.

Do you carry a complete rebuild kit like this for a 53' CJ-3B with a T-90? if so, what part number? I can only find a small parts repair kit for the tranni

Willys Tech:
T90K is the part number for that. Or we do have complete rebuilt transmissions as well for both.

I have a T86AA unit that is destroyed. Long time ago I think we used to put the 6 cyl T90 guts in the T86aa case and all worked fine. can you verify this does work?

Willys Tech:
I dont beleive thie will work. They are different cases.

Is this the kit for T90 bolted to a Tornado 230 ?

Willys Tech:
Yes this is the proper one too for the 6-230 OHC T90 set up.

Does this come with a manual for rebuilding it? Thanks

Willys Tech:
No, but we do sell mechanics manuals (MANUAL-035) that will walk you thru it. Or you can always call us for tech help.

What is the difference between a t-90 for a six or 4 cyl.

Willys Tech:
The length of the main drive gear (input).

looking for a better lighter weight transmition lube (for my t-90) like what is used in later trans. If any.

Willys Tech:
I usually just stick with 90 weight gear oil.
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