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Shop Kaiser Willys

Distributor Rebuild Kit (points, rotor, cap, condenser)
Fits 50-55 Station Wagon, Jeepster with 6-161 engine

Part # IAT4007

New Distributor Rebuild Kit

Comes complete with cap, points, rotor, and condenser. Ready for install!!!

For Autolite IAT4007

6-161 engine

Please match numbers off Distributor I.D. plate to ensure correct kit. Should be three letters followed by four numbers.

50-55 Station Wagon
50-51 Jeepster

Part # Price


MSRP: $59.99


MSRP: $59.99

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I need a complete distributor for a 54 wagon w F 161 6 cyc. or rebuild kit... what do I need to order. Also looking for a Over Drive Cable for the same Willys Thank you

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Give us a call toll free at 888-648-4923 or email me at and we can help you. We will have to rebuild your old one. Thanks

Trying to get a tune up kit for my 55 CJ-3B. There is no info on distributor, but cap has IAT-1041 imprinted on the inside. I don't see a part number such as that attached to any of your offerings. Can you determine which of your kits match the current parts?

Willys Tech:
Yours is probably stamped: IAY-4041. Try part number: IAY4401 on our website

the numbers on my distributer is as follows igc4514 do you have a cap and rotor for this ? thank you

Willys Tech:
Please call us toll free. We can try to cross for you.

Is kit # 1AT4007 for a Lightning 6 L-148 engine also ?

Willys Tech:
That's not a one - its the letter I on your distributor. So yes it is correct. They are always 3 letters followed by 4 numbers.

Does this fit the F161 F-head?

Willys Tech:
Yes as long as you have the Autolite listed above.
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