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Shop Kaiser Willys

Distributor Rebuild Kit (points, rotor, cap, condensor)
Fits 50-66 M38, M38A1

Part # TK100

New Distributor Rebuild Kit

Comes complete with cap, points, rotor, and condenser. Ready for install!!!

For Autolite IAU4005

4-134 engine (24 volt)

50-52 M38
52-66 M38A1

This is the proper kit for 24 volt waterproof system.

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Are they made with copper or steel ?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Not sure what you are asking. Please give us a call.

Hello, I have a 1954 M38A1 and I am doing a tune up on it.. I have a 24v water proof set up and the distributor is the same as your part number 7358569. Does this cap and rotor go under the big metal cap? I wanted to be sure before I bought it and I didn’t want to tear it open without new parts

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
TK100 is the distributor kit for that. Yes, the internals all go under the metal cap for waterproofing.

Has anyone else out there had a problem with the points slipping open on their 24 volt M38 distributor? I set them, tighten everything down rel good and it starts and runs great...for about 30 seconds, then runs terrible and stops. When I pull the distributor, the points have spread. Any tricks to fix this?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
I would double check to see if you have any shaft wobble. Please email to help.

Is this for the M38A1 Canadian 1970 model, which is 24 volt?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Please email images of what you have there.

Hi, is this compatible with the waterproof sparkplug wires? The cap in the picture looks a little different than the one in my Jeep. Thank you.

Willys Tech:
Yes this is 100% the proper kit for the 24 volt water proof distributor for the M38 and M38A1.

Will this work on a 1950 M38 that is a 12 volt system

Willys Tech:
If you have the original distributor then yes. But that will be 24 volt. If your not sure please call us toll free. We just need to know your distributor numbers.
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