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Shop Kaiser Willys

Flywheel Ring Gear 124 tooth
Fits 49-53 CJ-3A, M38

Part # 641955

New Replacement Flywheel Ring Gear with 124 Tooth Count

Brand new ring gear for early flywheels. Simply heat up your old damaged ring gear for removal.

4-134 L engine

49-53 CJ-3A
50-52 M38

Part # Price


MSRP: $39.99


MSRP: $39.99

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mostly a 1949 CJ3A , runs nicely intermittent grinding when I press the Starter Pedal Push Rod I am considering a mismatch between the starter and the starter-deindex how do I count the teeth on the ring gear?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Take the starter out and a spark plug out. That way you can turn engine over by hand and count number of teeth thru the hole.

Hellow, How much price shipping to me in THAILAND. Address 229/23 Village NO. 8 Bansuan sub-Distric. Muangchon Distric. Chonburi THAILAND. (20000) Best Regard. WISIT.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Please email your full shipping address and part numbers and quantities you need and we can quote you out. Thanks!

What is the outside and inside diameter on this 124 tooth flywheel ring gear?

Willys Tech:
approx 12-3/8 od x 11 id just like original

Can you replace the flywheel ring gear without removeing the fly wheel.

Willys Tech:
Yes, all you have to do is heat up the old one to take it off and heat up the new one to put it on.
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