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Front Transmission Bearing Retainer Felt Oil Seal
Fits 41-71 Jeep & Willys with T-84, T-90, 96 Transmission

Part # 645980

New Replacement Front Transmission Felt Oil Seal (1 required per vehicle)

Proper felt packing for your front transmission bearing cap to help keep out contamination.

T-84 Transmission
T-90 Transmission
T-96 Transmission

41-45 MB
41-45 GPW
46-49 CJ-2A
49-53 CJ-3A
53-64 CJ-3B
55-71 CJ-5
50-52 M38
52-66 M38A1
46-64 Truck
46-64 Station Wagon
48-51 Jeepster

Part # Price


MSRP: $2.99


MSRP: $2.99

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I bought a seal kit that included this front transmission felt seal. The one in the kit was the black colored one and not the white one as shown in the pictures above. I applied some heavy grease and installed it onto the front shaft. When I tighten down the transmission front retainer cap, the transmission locks up. When I loosen the bolts the transmission begins to turn. If I install the transmission front retainer cap without the felt seal the transmission turns fine. Do I have the wrong felt seal?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
They do go in tight. I don't believe it matters which way they install. Just make sure it has grease on it. It is a compression seal.

This part has two pieces of felt and two pieces of rubber sandwiched together. Does the rubber side go toward the bearing or toward the cover? Does it matter?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
It can install either way. Most important is to grease it prior to install.

I bought a brand new part #640422 Front bearing retainer cap and it has a new press fit seal installed on it. Is this seal the original and the new seal already installed in the plate replaces it? or do I install this seal between the tranni and the new seal and compress it down when i tighten the 3 bolts on the retainer cap?

Willys Tech:
Make sure you grease this seal with heavy duty axle grease. Slide it down the shaft firmly then put on your bearing cap and tighten.

Does this keep the oil from leaking out the front of the transmission, or is it just a dust seal? My T-90 is leaking out the front shaft of the transmission, and I have pulled the front cover and re-sealed the cover itself. It didn't appear that this felt seal would stop the fluid from getting into that part of the housing?

Willys Tech:
Yes this is the seal for the front of the transmission. Grease it prior to install.

Is this seal included in the T90K overaul kit?

Willys Tech:
Yes that is correct.

I ordered one of these felt gaskets, now I am not entirely sure where it fits? I think the previous owner didn't install one during the last repair. Does it just go under the front bearing retainer? Thanks.

Willys Tech:
Yes it is a compression seal and just slides down the shaft then the cap goes on.

I have a T-90 with a 226 v6 is #645980 the correct seal?

Willys Tech:
Yes this is the correct one. With the 6-226 you may have to stretch the I.D. of the seal out a bit to accomodate the larger shaft. Make sure to pregrease it as well.

Is this seal supposed to be tight on install?

Willys Tech:
Yes, make sure you grease it with a light layer heavy duty axle grease first.

i recently change the felt oil seal, and the oil still going out of the bell hosing, what can i do to fix my problem. thanks. I have a t90 3 speed 1966 cj 5

Willys Tech:
You may be leaking out of your rear main seal. I would check that.
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