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Shop Kaiser Willys

Fuel Tank Sending Unit (24 volt)
Fits 52-66 M38A1 (packard, rubber connections)

Part # 810284

New Fuel Tank Sending Unit

Comes complete with mounting gasket. Float sits inside tank to give accurate reading to gauge. For 24 volt systems. Proper arm length guaranteed for a sure reading.

Comes with the correct packard (rubber) style connections.

52-66 M38A1

Part # Price


MSRP: $94.99


MSRP: $94.99

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I purchased this unit and the corresponding gauge and it worked fine for a few years. Now the gauge always reads above full. I'm trying to test the sending unit to see if it is the gauge or the sender that has failed. What is the proper ohm reading when testing the sending unit.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
I would check your ground if it is arching. Email to help.

I bought sending unit # 810284 for my 1954 M38A1 24 volt system. I tried it before I installed it in the tank and it seemed to work but does not work after I installed it. I removed the gas and operated the float manually by sticking my arm in thru the fill hole and it worked so it is like the fuel is not lifting the float. Any suggestions? The fuel gauge has the Douglas metal connections but I don't that should matter.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Please email to help out. I would take a OHMs reader to it to check it.

I have a 1968 M151 A1 24v . Will this work on my jeep?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Sorry, I believe they are different.

Have a1954 M38A1 Willy's with 24 volt system. Need fuel sending unit. The old one is a five hole with 6 1/4" down shaft and has a Douglas connecter. Which sender do I need?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
800204 is the sending unit you need.

I have 1952 m38a1 converted to 12 volts what fuel tank sending unit will work

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
No, this sending unit is only for the 24 volt system. Order parts number 640694. That will work for you. Thanks

Mike, this is positioned so that the float goes in the deep part of the tank right? I saw some pictures that showed it another way and that doesn't seem right.

Willys Tech:
Yes, they will give a full reading in the tank like original.

Hi, do you have the cable that would connect this to the fuel gauge? Mine had been removed by the previous owner.

Willys Tech:
That is just a simple wire hook up. We do sell complete wiring harnesses...
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