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Shop Kaiser Willys

Hi/Low Beam Indicator Light Assembly
Fits 46-64 CJ-2A, 3A, 3B, Truck, Station Wagon, Jeepster

Part # 645177

Orignal Reproduction Hi/Low Beam Dash Indicator Light Assembly

Comes complete ready to plug into your wiring system. Proper red light indicator and pig tail wiring for your early light system. Mounts in dash next to choke cable.

Comes complete with socket and proper cloth covered wire for easy install. For both 6 or 12 volt systems. Just add your bulb.

1 required per vehicle.

For 12 volt use bulb part number 122512
For 6 volt use bulb part number 122566

46-49 CJ-2A
49-53 CJ-3A
53-64 CJ-3B with multiple gauges
46-49 Truck
46-49 Station Wagon
48-49 Jeepster

Will only work for Truck, Station Wagon and Jeepsters if they have the rectangular gauge cluster.

Part # Price


MSRP: $37.99


MSRP: $37.99

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I want to order it, but the system does not allow me to act as such.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
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Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, see item description. It fits it.

What 12v bulb does this take Thanks

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Try a #63 bulb in 12 volt.

cant find a 12v bulb for this

Willys Tech:
Try a number 63 in 12volt

Is this 6 or 12v? Thank you.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
You just need to put the appropriate bub into it depending on your voltage.

What size hole in the dash is needed and will this fit a 1946 willys Truck ?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Now, these aren't original for the Truck. They were only used on the CJ-2A and 3As. Now, these indicator lights come in from behind the dash so the hole size needed is only 1-1/2" big. Thanks!

how do you change the 12v bulb thanks

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
The front bezel just unscrews and you can put a 12 volt bulb in.

Do you sell just the 6V bulb for this assembly?

Willys Tech:
555666 is the part number for the 6 volt bulb for this.
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