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Shop Kaiser Willys

New Engraved Throttle Cable Assembly in Olive Drab
Fits 41-66 MB, GPW, M38, M38A1

Part # A5106

New Replacement Olive Drab Engraved Throttle Cable Assembly

Highest of quality cables are finally in.

Complete inner and outer cable with white engraving on olive drab knob for your military restoration.

1 required per vehicle.

41-45 MB
41-45 GPW
50-52 M38
52-66 M38A1

Picture maybe dark but the knob does come in olive drab green.

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my mechanic is telling me the throttle cable i ordered is too small, that the old one is over 60" long, is that possible?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
No, they have to be trimmed down in fact. Something is unoriginal on your vehicle or it is being mis routed.

I ordered and installed a throttle cable and it works as advertised except the accelerator return spring is too strong and overcomes the cable friction and pulls the throttle back to idle. Do I need a new accelerator return spring?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Sounds like you may have a wrong spring there. Email mike@kaiserwillys.com some photos.

What is the length of the cable?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
48 inches then trim to fit.

My 1955 M38A1 is missing this cable, but I seem to remember from my youth (same vehicle) that it used to be a T Handle Cable. Do you have that one?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
A5105 is the part number your after. Thanks!

I have a Air Force Strata blue M38. Do you have the throttle and choke cables in blue?

Willys Tech:
Nobody makes them that way. We can get them in black or olive drab only.

I have a Air Force Strata blue M38. Do you have the throttle and choke cables in blue?

Willys Tech:
Nobody makes them that way. We can get them in black or olive drab only.

Whats the difference between the throttle cable and the choke cable? I need the cable from the gas pedal to the carb.

Willys Tech:
There really is no difference between the parts except for what the knob says.

Whats the difference between the throttle cable and the choke cable? I need the cable from the gas pedal to the carb.

Willys Tech:
There really is no difference between the parts except for what the knob says.
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