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Shop Kaiser Willys

NOS Instrument Panel Oil Pressure Gauge Kit (6, 12 or 24 volt)
Fits 41-66 CJ-2A, 3A, 3B, M38, M38A1

Part # 647054

New Old Stock Instrument Panel Oil Gauge Kit

This original looking gauge comes with a resister on the back to change the voltage and an original switch for on the motor.

These are NOS AC Quality Parts still in the box.

Reads 0-120 psi.

41-45 MB
41-45 GPW
46-49 CJ-2A
49-53 CJ-3A
53-64 CJ-3B
50-52 M38
52-66 M38A1

When replacing either dash or sending unit, both dash and sending units must be replaced to get a correct indication.
- For 6 volt systems, replace dash and sending units only.
- For 12 volt systems, add single resistor adapter to dash unit terminals.
- For 24 volt systems, add double resistor adapter to dash unit terminals.
Note: If any of the units in this package become defective, replace only the defective part.

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b ought the 24vdc pressure guage, added the resistor, no wiring diagrams, does this just require a single wire from the sensor, or is the other side supposed to be the 24vdc input like the other gauges. It is pegging automatically, and cannot figure out what is wrong. Thanks Jim

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
May be a ground issue. Please email to help.

A1190 is an oil hose but this kit needs an electrical wiring . Where to find the plug needeed to connect on sender unit ? thanks .

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
The electrical connection you need to pick up locally.

Does the gauge include red light as original?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
This does not have a red light in it. It would not.

Will this gauge fit my 1957 CJ-5 with a 6-Volt system?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, but you would have to drill a hole in your dash since its a CJ-5 to mount.,

I ordered and received this kit, but i have no clue (and no instructions) how to install it. I have searched Youtube, and asked questions in some of the Willys forums without any luck. Can you please direct me to any resource that might help me with this? INSTRUMENT PANEL OIL PRESSURE GAUGE KIT (6, 12 OR 24 VOLT) FITS 41-66 CJ-2A, 3A, 3B, M38, M38A1

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
It comes with a set of instructions. Please email to help you out. Thanks!

I have a new 24 volt 1951 M38 oil pressure gauge. It did not have the double resistor adaptors on the old unit. How do I install these correctly on the new oil pressure gauge terminals? How are they attached to the wire harness?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
You would wire these in direct. See the note in the item description on wiring it up for the 24 volt. This is a stand alone gauge and sender.

1) i bought oil guage kit 647054; how do i connect the guage to the sending unit? sending unit has a different looking connection im not familuar with. 2) looking at CJ3A firewall from the engine compartment; which holes are properly used for the; (wire harness main)(coil wire, starter, generator)( headlight switch)choke&throttle)(speedo cable) (oil guage)(temp Indication) to pass through? 3) where is the proper position for the temp sending unit on the engine? THANKYOU!

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
See part number: A1190 that is what was orignally used from gauge to the block.

Will the sending unit with this gauge fit the original oil pressure sender bracket (Item # 7375148)?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Sorry, they will be different.
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