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Semi Gloss Olive Drab Green Steering Wheel
Fits 41-71 MB, GPW, CJ-2A, 3A, 3B, 5, M38, M38A1

Part # A6858

New Steering Wheel in Dark Semi Gloss Green

Brand new authentic reproduction live drab steering wheel. Replaces cracked, discolored wheels and mounts just like original. Highest quality available!!

This steering wheel uses the 1-1/4" horn button kit (802359).

This is the darker shade semi gloss steering wheel used during Korea and Vietnam era.

41-45 MB
41-45 GPW
46-49 CJ-2A
49-53 CJ-3A
53-64 CJ-3B
55-71 CJ-5
55-71 CJ-6
50-52 M38
52-66 M38A1

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I need a 14" or 15" with spline & cone hub. Which one should I order?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
See part number: 994139

The steering wheel shaft does not fit the 1-1/4 it is smaller this is a 1946 cja2 so which steering wheel should I get or what measurements do you need?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Please email your vehicle information and we can help out. These wheels fit the original shafts.

If i order steering wheel what it includes Wheel plus center bolt or just wheel

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
You would want to order the horn button repair kit for your appropriate Willys if yours is missing.

I have a 1951 M38, my horn button looks like the one in your part number A6742 with a horn rod, will this steering wheel work?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, it should work for you as well.

Hello. I'm trying to remove a steering wheel on a 47 cj2a. I've tried a gear puller. Anything I used just strips the plastic of the wheel and doesn't break it free. Any ideas? Since I've destroyed this one. Ill be in the market for a replacement.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
WP300 is the part number you need.

Is this a 17" diameter wheel? I'm looking for a smaller one say 14" to fit my '69 CJ5 steering column. Thanks

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, 17" like original. Sorry, we really dont carry any smaller wheels. Try Grant steering for something unoriginal.

do you have this in black

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
914047 is the same in black.

Why the two different part numbers 994305 vs 994305A? I know your initial answer will be "they are the same" and I can understand that but why do you list two different stocked part numbers? At this point I am assuming they come to you from two different suppliers. if this is true who are the two suppliers?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
They are the exact same part. It is just for listing purposes.

What are the dimensions of this tank. I have a 1949 Willys truck and the existing tanks is ~ 42x17x10. Not sure it is original. The drains in on the bottom and I am sure the sending units is on the top. I can see that there has been some modification done to support the existing tank. The fill cap is on the passenger side. Thank you, Tony

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Here are the dimesions: 27 x 24 x 10. And it is a 15 gallon tank.

Hello; I need some spare part for my jeep (exp; steering wheel, horn, stcker etc) . But. I am living in Istanbul in TURKEY. Do you have service to Turkey. Have nice day.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
We ship daily UPS and USPS international. We are happy to help out.

Hi, I have a '47 CJ2A I want to restore as an MB, so I'm looking at this steering wheel. I see in an earlier answer that it will fit my steering column, so my question is: Would I go with the CJ2A horn button repair kit, or the MB repair kit? It's a 12 volt vehicle, but I don't see what the difference between the two kits is. Thanks.

Willys Tech:
Either horn button repair kit will work for this steering wheel. Both are interchangeable and good on 12 volt as well.

Is this a direct copy of the steering wheel on the early GPW's before the metal spoke wheel?

Willys Tech:
Yes, they are about as close as you can get and a nice reproduction piece.

Will this fit a CJ2A?

Willys Tech:
Yes these will work on a CJ-2A as well.

I am interested in a new steering wheel for a 1957 model 6-226 station wagon. can you tell me what you have that will fit it ? also, I need a set of nice door mirrors. Also, a window handle crank for the right side passenger window. Please let me know what you have available and pricing.

Willys Tech:
920206 & 649338 are the two part numbers you can use for the Station Wagon in that year.

Will this steering wheel fit the steering column in a 1950 willys truck ?

Willys Tech:
You want part number: 649338 or 920206 for the 1950 and up Willys Truck

What color is the transmission for a 1948 CJ2A?

Willys Tech:
They were black on the CJ-2A

What voltage was a 1959 Willys CJ-5 originally?

Willys Tech:
It was most likely 12 volt but 6 volt could always be factor ordered.
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