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Shop Kaiser Willys

Outer Steering Column Tube
Fits 48-71 CJ-2A, 3A, 3A, 3B, 5, M38, M38A1

Part # 914054

New Outer Steering Column Tube

Outer tube that run from the top of your steering where wheel attaches to top of your steering gear box. Slides over tube and worm gear. Proper for your early Ross style steering gear box.

This is for the horn wire that goes out the bottom of the steering box.

Length - 34-1/2"


1 required per vehicle.

48-49 CJ-2A
49-53 CJ-3A
53-64 CJ-3B
55-71 CJ-5
50-52 M38
52-66 M38A1

Some cutting is required on certain models for proper fit.

Part # Price


MSRP: $38.99


MSRP: $38.99

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What is the purpose of the small round hole and slit near the bottom of the tube? Should these face up or down?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
That is for your horn contact A302 at the base.

ive got an upgrade Saginaw power steering box with an interment shaft like a c-j5.can i get a steering shaft 3/4 36 splinted on each end and fit this cover with a m38 a-1steering wheel and horn button..Or would you go with a new tilt column

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Send us some photos of what all you have there and we can go from there. Thanks!

Is this the same tube used on the 1973 CJ5 with manual steering? It seems to be only a little longer.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
I have not tried to mount it in that later model.

Would this tube fit a 1949 Willys Truck?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
That is used only. Please email to help.

I see this Column Tube is listed below the Steering parts diagram for a GPW. Is this correct for a GPW or do I need to purchase the tube with a hole cut out for the horn brush ?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
641251 is what you need.

does this go right over the steering worm? and will this fit a 1969 cj5

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, this slides over the outside.

Do you have the grommet that goes around the base of this tube? It covers the hole in the floor around the tube/steering column at the point where it passes through the floor.

Willys Tech:
Search for 'column grommet' and it will come right up and choose the one that fits your Willys.

Does the upper steering column bearing come with tube Part #639190?

Willys Tech:
That is a separate item.

does it come with the hole for the horn bushing contact?

Willys Tech:
Later vehicles did not use this. If you have the early styel that goes out above the gear box then you just need to dill it in.

will this one fit 1967 cj6

Willys Tech:
Yes they are the same thru 71.

what is the length of the outer steering tube?

Willys Tech:
34.5 just like original.

Do you carry just the bearing that goes into the top of this tube with the snap ring ?

Willys Tech:
The bearing is part number: 801422

Do you remove the old one first or does this one slide over the existing one?

Willys Tech:
This replaces the original one.

What is the diameter of this column?

Willys Tech:
It is approx 1-1/2 just like original.
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