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Shop Kaiser Willys

Rear Axle Shaft for Passenger Side (21-1/2")
Fits 46-71 Jeep with Dana 41/44 (10 spline)

Part # 640969

New Rear Axle Shaft for Passenger Side (RH).

Dana 41/44 Rear with 10 Spline


46-49 CJ-2A
49-53 CJ-3A
53-64 CJ-3B
55-71 CJ-5
50-52 M38
53-71 M38A1

Part # Price


MSRP: $115.99


MSRP: $115.99

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hi have a dyna 44 in a 1963 overland pick up. part number 640969. is the length 60 cm.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Unlikely your vehicle has Dana 44 - probably a Dana 53. Email mike@kaiserwillys.com to help.

when you look on your website on a smart phone you list a NOS axle, military surplus from Europe for a Dana 41. what is the difference between Item # 640969 & the NOS one? I need both real axles, one's broke & since it's apart I'm going to replace both. Thanks

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
The only difference between the two is one is New Old Stock (640962) which means it's brand new made in 40s-50s kept in cosmoline to keep it like new vs the new replacement axle shaft (640969). Thanks

Have a 54 Kaiser Manhattan, with 3 spd OD (believe it's a Dana 44), supposed to be 4.55 rear end. Had grease coming from under big nut last weekend. My right side axle's outer threads for flange retainer, are poor looking, as are those in the nut. So, would like to find another/new axle shaft that would work.... Any idea if this one, or another might? The outer flange is keyed/tapered to shaft, and has a big nut with RH threads and a cotter pin. Don't know length of axle, or # of splines on inside, as I haven't pulled it yet. The big nut took a 1 5/16" socket to remove. Would appreciate any info you might have, even a sketch or drawing of the "new" part would help me id when I get mine out. Thanks. Bob L.

Willys Tech:
Please call us toll free. We can try to point you in the right direction of a place that might be able to help.
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