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Shop Kaiser Willys

Rear Wheel Cylinder 3/4"
Fits 53-66 CJ-3B, 5, M38A1

Part # 807357

New Replacement Rear Wheel Cylinder 3/4" (2 required per vehicle)

Direct replacement for those corroded, over used brake wheel cylinders. Comes complete with bleeder.

53-64 CJ-3B
55-66 CJ-5
52-66 M38A1

Part # Price


MSRP: $29.99


MSRP: $29.99

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Hi, I have what I thought was a 1967 Jeep CJ5 and is titled that way but, my rear wheel cylinder looks like this one. Have you ever heard of a 1967 CJ5 having earlier style brake components? I have already purchased a wheel cylinder that was supposed to fit my 1967 but, The part is the later style. Does not work. Confused?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
I would double check your drums - they could potentially be 9" or 10" - Call me toll free. Ask for Mike M. Happy to help out.

can you tell me the part # of the rear wheel cylinder for 1973 CJ5 ( both sides) thank you

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
I may be able to source these for you. Please call us toll free. Ask for me Mike M.

If the pads are the same, the drums are the same, and the brake backing plates are the same, why is the rear wheel cylinder smaller? I bought 4 1" cylinders by accident, can I use them?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
I'm sure you could but the originally were 3/4" and I'm sure there was good reason for them being so. I don't think I would recommend it.

I have a Kaiser CJ-5 Jeep (1966) with 9 Brake drums. Are these the right Rear Wheel cylinders for it?

Willys Tech:
Yes that is correct. This will be proper.

Will this work for either side rear cylinder (driver or passenger). On a different site I found them being sold by front driver, front passenger, back passenger... but they only had three sides. Thanks!

Willys Tech:
Yes they used the same wheel cylinders in the rear. The other site doesnt know what they are selling.

What wheel cylinder for front M38A1

Willys Tech:
If you have steel s-lines going directly to the front wheel cylinder it is: 807356. If you have rubber lines going directly to the front wheel cylinder it is: 803639 & 803640

I need to buy a repair mannual for a Jeep kaiser 1964.

Willys Tech:
It is part number: MANUAL-025
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