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Shop Kaiser Willys

Replacement Ignition Coil 12 volt
Fits 41-71 Jeep & Willys

Part # 933160

New Replacement Ignition Coil in 12 Volt.

Direct replacement for 12 volt systems. Comes complete with internal resistor. Ready for install!!!

4-134 engine
6-161 engine
6-226 engine

41-45 MB
41-45 GPW
46-49 CJ-2A
49-53 CJ-3A
53-64 CJ-3B
55-71 CJ-5
50-52 M38
52-66 M38A1
46-64 Truck
46-64 Station Wagon
48-51 Jeepster

Part # Price


MSRP: $45.99


MSRP: $45.99

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On the primary I’m getting 3.3 OMH, and on the secondary I’m getting a reading of 8 OMH. Is this correct? I have no spark.

On a 12 Volt coil you should get between 3.1-3.3 ohms.

I installed the solid state electronic ignition distributor part # 923068 to a Jeep 1946 but it did not work. Which would be the reason of this? Could you please send me a diagram of installation from the distributor?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Please email or give us a call and we can help you troubleshoot.

Do I need 6V or 12V coil for the Tornado 6-230 engine platform? I swear it's a 12v system, but I do not have clarity on which coil I need. The engine manual does not even mention a coil for some reason. Thanks!

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
By that time they were 12 volt typically.

Part #933160 states that it has an internal resistor, but for 12v system. I didn't think the resistor was necessary for 12v. My 53 wagon has the electronic distributor (Part #923068), which should not require the resistor.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
All coils either have an external ballast resistor inline between it and the ignition switch or on that is internal inside the coil. This is an internal style so there is no need for an external ballast resistor.

I have a 56 CJ5. I converted it to 12 volt but I put a resister before the coil so it is still 6 volt. If I bought a 12 volt coil and removed the resistor, would I get a hotter spark?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes you would. Because the coils would be 6 volt versus 12 volt. So you would be using high resistance and voltage on a 12 volt coil.

I'm thinking about getting an electronic distributor for my F4-134. I don't know if my coil is internal or external resistor type. It has a little writing on it, and I can see it says something about resistor, but not enough to tell for sure. Can it be checked by an electrician to determine which type it is? If it's the wrong type could it damage the electronic distributor?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Trace wire from coil back to ignition switch. See if you have one wired in.

How do I know if the coil on my 1960 Willys SW has an internal resistor?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
They are typically stamped or you will see an externally mounted resistor.

I plan on switching distributer on my 59 Willys DJ3a from points to electronic (all 12V) How can you check if the existing coil has an internal resister. Mine just says Autolite, no numbers, it reads 7 ohms across the terminals.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
It should be stamped somewhere on it.

Should there be a balast resistor before the coil on these F heads? Mine didn't have one and ive been doing a lot of research on the ignition system. Seen where there should be one so it does burn up the pionts? Been trying to get it to run since christmas with no luck. Well i did get it to run for about 30 minutes. Then the next morning I was right back where I started. Bought a spark tester and the spark in the tester is yellow. On all the plug wires. So thinking I've got a electrical issue.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Just depends on your coil. If you coil has an internal resistor then none is required. If it doesnt then you need to wire one in between ignition switch and the coil.

Got your alternator conversion for CJ2A. Came with a coil that is smaller in diameter. Is this coil correct? #RUC15, #RA1016

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
The ALT12V does not come with a coil. This part number: 933160 is the original diameter that Willys used. Please email to help.

My jeep has a 12V battery with a resistor in line with the coil....does this 12V coil eliminate the need for the in line resistor?

Willys Tech:
Yes this is an internal resistor coil. We have complete cable sets ready to go as well.

Do you the same for a 24 volts cj5 (motor Hurricane f4 134) ?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
943742 is the 24 volt coil used in Willys.

I installed your electronic ignition distributor and got the coil with it at the same time---I need to test the coil...can you give me the specifications for this coil?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
The only way to properly test those is with a coil tester. Your local auto electrician will have one.

How many ohm

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
This is a 3 ohm coil. Thanks

can this coil be mounted in any position

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
I'm sure it could be mounted anywhere on the vehicle as long as you had a proper length wire. I would obviously recommend in the upright position.

I ordered the 12v ignition coil item number 933160 for my 1952 M38a1. I was shipped an ignition coil for 59-71 jeep CJ model, item number 17247.02. Will this ignition coil work for me or do I need to send it back? Thank you.

Willys Tech:
Yes, that should be the right one for you stamped 12 volt on it.

I have a 59' CJ-5 with the original 4-134 F head engine, I thought in the manual it said this was a 6v system, but a replacement coil isn't offered here. Is it actually a 12v system?

Willys Tech:
We sell both 6 volt and 12 volt coils. If you are 12 volt you need to be using a 12 volt coil. After the mid 50's most Willys went over to 12 volt.

My 1966 CJ 5 was converted to 12 volt. The alternator starts charging when the engine starts it does not have a voltage regulator. Will that cause my coil to burn out? If so do you have a regulator for the coil?

Willys Tech:
You were probably originally 12 volt in that year. The alternator you have on the vehicle now probably has an internal regulator. I would have a local auto electrician look at it.

I just Received the information that my order has already shipped,but I also just found out that I ordered the Wrong Part Number,what should I do?

Willys Tech:
Please call us toll free. We can get you fixed up.

I just bought a jeep that has been converted to 12 v. Does the coil and starter have to be 12 v or will it run with 6 v equipment. Also, what does the resistor do? It looks like I have a resistor mounted near the firewall.

Willys Tech:
Your starter is ok in 6 volt but it will eventually burn out. I recommend getting our 12volt Hi-torque starter motor.


Willys Tech:
Yes it will be fine for it.

if the wires are switched around on the coil will it still fire and run

Willys Tech:
You need to make sure to have it wired correctly.

Will this coil work with your electronic ingnition distributor? Thanks, john

Willys Tech:
Yes this is the one we recommend.

I have a 1946 jeep willy cj2a when i got it.It didnt have a coil on it so i bought a 12 volt coil. But i dont have spark should i buy a 6 volt coil and will that get me spark...

Willys Tech:
You need to see what voltage you are running in your jeep. I would check you battery, bulbs, voltage regulator can damage your electrical by mixing and matching voltage parts.
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