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Shop Kaiser Willys

Replacement Spark Plug 6 or 12 volt
Fits 41-71 Jeep & Willys

Part # 804492

New Replacement Spark Plug for 6 or 12 volt Systems

Direct replacement for either 6 or 12 volt systems. Comes complete with specialty washer. Ready for install!!! Give your vehicle are sure spark.

4-134 engine
6-161 engine
6-226 engine

41-45 MB
41-45 GPW
46-49 CJ-2A
49-53 CJ-3A
53-64 CJ-3B
55-71 CJ-5
50-52 M38
52-66 M38A1
46-64 Truck
46-64 Station Wagon
48-51 Jeepster

Part # Price


MSRP: $4.89


MSRP: $4.89

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Morning. I bought the solid state distributor and these plugs. I'm running an F134 on a '65 CJ5. FSM says 0.030 for plug gap, but I'm reading in these Q&A that 0.020 gap is for my engine and this distributor. Which one is correct?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
.020 on the gap for the distributor. .030 for the gap on the points. Please give us a call if you are still confused.

The spark plug wires 930456 are radio suppressed, right? Mine are so noisy I can't use the radio/tape player. The spark plugs 804492 are the same?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
You have other issues going on. Give us a call and ask for Mike M.

I have CJ2A that the spark plugs have reddish color on the electrodes. What causes this? I have never seen this before.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Sounds like you have corrosion or even bad fuel in the combustion chamber possibly.

I just purchased an electronic ignition distribuitor 923068 and spark plugs 804492 from you guys. So What is the spark plug gap for a cj-5 1960 with 4F cylinder engine

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:

What is the spark plug gap for a 1946 cj2a

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:

Are these pre-gapped? What is the specialty washer?

Willys Tech:
Yes they are. That goes when you screw the plug in.

What spark plug gap for a 6-226 engine? Would that gap also be for any spark plugs for it too?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
.020 on the points and plugs

What is the spark plug gap for a CJ2A ,flathead 134 engine 12 volt system?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:

Which plugs are the recommended plugs to go along with your electronic ignition kit?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
These are the plugs we recommend.

Will these work in my 52 M38A? I think it is still 24 Volt? just bought - how can I determine if it is 24 v or if it was reconfigured to 12? This is a project jeep and no battery was in.

Willys Tech:
These are for 6 or 12 volt. If you are 24 volt then you need to use part number: 922727A

what spark plug and gap do i use in 1962 4cyl. with crown elect. ign.

Willys Tech:
They are already pregapped but its .020 gap.

Will these work with CJ-2As that have been reconfigured to the 12 volt system?

Willys Tech:
Yes these are the proper ones.
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