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Shop Kaiser Willys

Steering Bellcrank Repair Kit (3/4" shaft)
Fits 41-48 MB, GPW, CJ-2A up to serial # 199079

Part # 915762

New Steering Bellcrank Repair Kit (1 required per vehicle)

Complete steering bellcrank repair kit. Includes new pin, bearings, washer, and nut. Replacement for 3/4" shafts. Ball on bellcrank points down. Eliminates slop and shaft wobble when turning wheel.

41-45 MB
41-45 GPW
46-48 CJ-2A up to serial number 199079

Part # Price





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Will this replace the pin that has snapped off? How do i remove the old pin from the mounting bracket underneath the radiator if it has snapped in half?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, that is correct. You have to drive the set pin out and then the shaft will come out as well.

ON my 1946 CJ2A, I can't figure out which direction the tapered locking pin inserts from. Actually, I need to see which way to drive it out, since it's in place, then I'll reverse the process with the new locking pin. The pin I am referring to is the tapered locking pin, not the 3/4" shaft. Thank you.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
I believe the pin will punch out from the inside. I will have to check one to confirm.

Do you sell just the bearings and washers individually?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Sorry, just as a kit.

My current 1945 willys mb steering bellcrank has a bronze bushing installed in it. If I replace with with these bearings what should the bellcrank ID be?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
This will replace your bronze bearing and be a complete kit.

I have a 1948 cj2a. I bought your bell crank repair kit and found the mounting bracket that's welded to the frame under the radiator crossmember is worn out a bit. The new shaft wiggles around to much for comfort. Is there a brass bushing or a replacement bracket available? Thank you.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
You may have to try to fabricate and repair your old bracket or even tack the pin in place.

How tight should the castle nut be? I can't locate a spec for it in the manual.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
I dont believe there is a spec but will check. You want it tight enough not to bind but have no side to side slop either.

You say this fits up to serial number 199079, I have serial number 27441 and this is the closest one to mine that I have found on your website. the only difference is mine has a bushing not needle bearings. I would actually prefer needle bearings as long as there would not be any other issues? Can you shed some light on this?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
You need to check the size of your shaft. Call us toll free. We can ID your set up and help you order the right one for your Willys.

Finally got the taper pin out, is the 3/4 shaft with the castle nut that holds the Bell Crank part # 915762 also tapered? If not which way would you beat it out, from the top or the bottom? Thanks Dopug

Willys Tech:
I believe the taper goes down. You need to drive it out from the small side.

I have the 3/4 Bellcrank (downfacing ball) and your kit. Do I recess the two caged needle bearings inside the bellcrank hub deep enough to allow the grease seals to be flush with the outer hub surface, or a bit proud of the surface? It appears that if I recess them too far, I will cover, or obstruct, the grease fitting port. Thanks and regards, Jeff

Willys Tech:
They stick out just a bit so you shouldnt have any trouble.

on gpw does the o'rings go on the bottom of bearing and on top of bearing or should i sat washer ,oring bearing-bearing, then o-ring,then sloted washer

Willys Tech:
The O-ring is the grease seal so I would put that on the outside.
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