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Shop Kaiser Willys

Transfer Case Intermediate Gear Shaft 1-1/4"
Fits 53-71 Jeep & Willys with Dana 18 transfer case

Part # 809292

New Intermediate Gear Shaft

This Intermediate Shaft is used with the loose needle bearings like original.

This is the shaft that goes thru the middle of your D18 housing between the main shaft gear (947382) and output shaft sliding gear (809290).

The Intermediate shaft gear (809293) rides on this shaft


Dana 18 Transfer Case with 1-1/4" shaft

1 required per vehicle.

53-64 CJ-3B
55-66 CJ-5
52-66 M38A1
54-64 Truck
54-64 Station Wagon

Part # Price


MSRP: $39.99


MSRP: $39.99

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Is this an Omix-ada shaft?

Willys Parts Jeep Tech:
No, we only use hardened shafts.

I bought your 1 1/4" transfer case "minor overhaul kit" with a new intermediate shaft (item # D18BBSG). The new intermediate shaft clearly has holes for O-rings, but I can find none in the kit. Do you sell these O-rings, or can you provide me the proper size to purchase them elsewhere?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
They are taped to the shaft itself when shipped. Please call us toll free and we can help.

I am currently rebuilding my tcase when i disassembled it a pin came out not sure where it goes it is about 1 inch long and rounded on each end 3/8 inch in diameter. Any ideas can't find this pin in my manuals.

Willys Tech:
Sounds like it may be the equalizer pin between your shift lever rods on the transfercase.
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