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Shop Kaiser Willys

Universal Side Step Kit with Bracket for Both Sides
Fits 41-71 MB, GPW, CJ-2A, 3A, 3B, 5, M38, M38A1

Part # 646150K

New Universal Steel Side Step Kit Complete with Brackets and Hardware.

If you need a step up into your old Willys, this kit is all you need. Comes complete for both sides. Mounts at a side angle for easy entry and stamped step for sure muddy foot grip!

Helpful Guides and Illustrations:
Diagram and Installation Guide

41-45 MB
41-45 GPW
46-49 CJ-2A
49-53 CJ-3A
53-64 CJ-3B
55-71 CJ-5
50-52 M38
52-71 M38A1

Minor modification required on some models. The short brackets may have to be shortened to mount. Hardware to floor board is a local pickup item.

Part # Price


MSRP: $129.99


MSRP: $129.99

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Hello, Do you also have a side step kit for a Willys Wagon 1955?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Sorry, nobody has made those but maybe you could modify to make work.

will these fit a fiberglass tub on a willys cj5

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
As long as the body tub is between the years listed and made properly.

Do you have to drill the frame rail to installl these steps?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Some frame rails are actually already pre drilled from the factory. But some you just need to drill 2 holes in is all.

Hi, Just to confirm- this is for two side steps (both driver made passenger side) correct?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, this is a pair.

Hello Mike. Where exactly do these get attached on my 54 M38A1? At the back sides?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
The long bracket bolts to the side of your frame rail.

I see where you have directed people to installation instructions link "above", but all I could find above is a diagram. Is that the only instructions? Thanks!

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, that is a diagram of how to put together. Email if you have any more questions. We are happy to help.

Is this for a pair of the steps as am looking for a pair for my M38A1 (year 1952) and what would shipping to the U.K.k cost please . Many thanks

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Please email your full shipping address and we can quote you out. Thanks!

Do you have any photo's of steps installed ? Thinking of adding to my M38

Willys Tech:
See link above for install instructions. It shows it together. You can also check out our customer photo section.

Will these steps fit a 1974 CJ-5

Willys Tech:
Yes they should work fine.

How much to ship these side steps to the UK ? How long to ship to the UK ?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Please email and we can quote you out. We need your full shipping address.

howdy- are all the hardware parts the same size- diagram says everything is 29-04--- thanks--q&a helps a lot--very brave--- oz

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Thru your floor board the hardware will be different than lengths to bolt steps together to short brackets.

Does the fuel tank have to be removed to bolt through drivers side floor?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, you will need to remove it to install.

will these clear the fuel tank on an m38a1??

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
You have to shorten the side brackets that support the step.

What is the weight rating for these steps? Do these mount to existing holes or is drilling required? 1948 CJ-2A

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Not sure on a weight rating but you will need to drill holes in the floor board for the short steps. See install instruction link. Just make sure to use large body washers and you shouldnt have any problems.


Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Approx 5-1/4" drop.

could you please tell the weight of the pair? Thanks!

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Approx 12 pounds

Why do they make step angled to the tub?

Willys Tech:
Because you usually enter a vehicle from the back in a parking lot. Each step should angle to the back.

Can these be modified to fit a 42MB?

Willys Tech:
Yes these can be made to fit by shortening the brackets a bit.

I bought a step kit 646150K and you did not send any instructions! Please email them to me!

Willys Tech:
Please see link above for the instructions. You can also call us toll free and we can walk you thru it. Thanks!

Does the step kit extend down so far as to hinder you from doing some off-roading?

Willys Tech:
No you should have any problems with that.

Do these come in a stainless/chrome finish?

Willys Tech:
These are primered black.

Do these steps come with installation instructions for a 1967 Jeep CJ-5 ? If there are no instructions to install do you have any pictures of steps installed on a 67 CJ5?

Willys Tech:
There are instructions posted for it shortly above online. We can also fax them to you too.

do you have item #646150kc to fit a cj2a 45 jeep willys?

Willys Tech:
Yes, this will fit, but you may have to shorten up the brackets for install.
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