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Shop Kaiser Willys

Universal Steel Shovel
Fits 41-71 Willys & Jeep


Universal Steel Shovel

Military shovel for the side of body.

This universal shovel can be mounted just about anywhere and is loosely modeled after the original shovels used on the side of bodies of many early Willys military jeeps.

It can be mounted on these with some modification of brackets.

1 required per vehicle.

41-45 MB
41-45 GPW
46-49 CJ-2A
49-53 CJ-3A
53-64 CJ-3B
55-71 CJ-5
50-52 M38
46-64 Truck
46-64 Station Wagon
48-51 Jeepster

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What modification would be required to suit a GPW? Modify the bracket in what way?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, that is correct. The bracket would have to be modified.

It this shovel currently in stock?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
At this moment, they are out of stock. But it is subject to change daily.

does this have a plastic or steel handle?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
It is a metal handle.

Is this the same as 681500 with the same bend so it will fit on a 1952 M38?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, 681500 has the correct bend for the M38. Thanks

Will this fit on a CJ3A that does not have the notches for the handles in the body? If not, do you offer one that would?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
No it would not on a CJ-3A with out modifying brackets or body.

What is the length on top/front from the tip of the shovel to the centerline of the handle?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Shovel blade 12in from blade tip to end of wood handle 36 1/8 Total length 36 5/8

Cost of carriage to bangor n ireland bt196aw

Willys Tech:
Please email mike@kaiserwillys.com your full shipping address and part numbers with quantities and we can quote you out. Thanks!

Will this and the axe fix a 54 CJ3B?

Willys Tech:
Im sure they could be made to fit.

please how much the shipping in greece if i order the axe and the shovel

Willys Tech:
Please email mike@kaiserwillys.com your full shipping address and part numbers you need and we can quote you out international shipping. Thanks!

So to the first question, you state this is for M38 but would work as well.... Is there a separate P/N for one for the M38A1? Like the first question I too have a hood that has a mount a shovel inside the hood. - Thanx

Willys Tech:
That is a A1 style axe if you have it mounted under the hood. They are smaller. This is for the side of the body.

i am needing one steel axe and steel shovel with mounting brackets complete # 4 and # 6 i have a willys 52 military . you are can say please if have this parts . thanks.

Willys Tech:
Please call us toll free. We may be able to help out.

Will this shovel fit under the hood of a 1955 M38A1. Is it the correct length? Thanks

Willys Tech:
Im sure it would work just fine but this is for a M38, not M38A1.
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