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Shop Kaiser Willys

Valve Stem Intake Oil Seal (O-ring)
Fits 50-71 Jeep & Willys with 4-134 F engine

Part # 800986

New Replacement Valve Stem Intake Oil Seal (4 required per vehicle)

Keeps your oil where its supposed to be. Replacement O-ring for intake.

4-134 F engine

53-64 CJ-3B
55-71 CJ-5
52-66 M38A1
50-53 Truck
50-53 Station Wagon
50-51 Jeepster

Part # Price


MSRP: $2.95


MSRP: $2.95

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The seals on my motor are metal..are the ones you sell rubber or metal?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
These are the rubber style

Are these in the gasket sets ?

Willys Tech:
These are each. They were only used on the intake.

Are 4 of these "O" rings included in your valve grind kit?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
No, but they will come in the engine overhaul gasket set.

I have removed the head on my 1952 M-38A1 because of low compression on cylinders 2 & 3. I expected to find a leak between those cylinders in the head gasket but did not find anything there. After removing the head and removing all four intake valves, I find carbon build up on the intake manifold side of the valves. The seating surfaces appear brownish but not pitted of worn noticeably. I did find the o-rings under the caps around the valve stems. I do not understand their purpose. I did not find another seal at the top of the valve guides. I do not find any spec on the "valve guide to valve stem" clearance or any reference to sloppiness of same. What else should I be looking for?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
There are no other seals there other than those O-rings. It sounds like the issue may be the piston rings. I would take a look at those given you dont seem to have much wear on the valve. I would also check your cold clearances on your valves.
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