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Shop Kaiser Willys

Starter Hand Crank
Fits 41-46 MB, GPW, CJ-2A


New Starter Hand Crank

Don't get stuck out on the trail. Always carry this helpful tool along!!!

For use with the orignal crankshaft starting nut we sell as well.

41-45 MB
41-45 GPW
45-46 CJ-2A

Specify Willys or GPW if you have a preference at time of order in order notes.

Part # Price


MSRP: $155.99


MSRP: $155.99

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I know the original civilian starting cranks were stored in the tool bin, but that only worked for the two piece starting cranks. Pretty much all the repo starting cranks are single piece and too large to store in the tool bin. Where then are they supposed to be stored? I have seen a mounting tab for them but no one ever talks about where to store these repo starting cranks. I could have sworn I saw someplace that at one point they might have been stored under the hood? Or maybe that was for a shovel. Any recommendations on where to store these or how to convert them to two piece cranks would be very much appreciated as I would actually like to have it available as a backup.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
On the MB/GPW they were stored behind the rear seat on the bracket at the back.

Will the hand crank with nut.Work on a 1948 CJ 2A Willy’s Jeep?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes it will. Its the same thread.

The description states "Specify Willys or GPW if you have a preference" Whats the difference between the two?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
The only difference is the GPW one is marked with the F script

I have a 48 CJ2A with an F head motor. Would this still work?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, as long as you have the hole in your bumper and the 387633 nut.

Hi, having the hole drilled in the front bumper, this hand crank and part number 387633 will work for a CJ3b and M38A1? Thanks

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes with the starting nut it should.

Where on my cj-2a was the crank stored?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Typically the tool bin under passenger seat.

Will this crank work with a 1952 M38? Thanks!

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, as long as you have a crankshaft nut part number: 387633 and a hole thru the front bumper for clearance.

Hi! Will this Work for cj3b and m38a1?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
As long as you have the proper nut and hole drilled in your front bumper.

Will this work on a 1947 CJ2A? If not, do you sell one that does?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, as long as you have the part number: 387633 and drilled hole in your front bumper for clearance.

Is this stored using the clamp brackets that are mounted on the inside of the windshield panel?

Willys Jeep parts tech:
Those brackets are for your top bows.

I need the hand crank nut that fits on the pulley of my MB45, but can't find it here, do you carry it?

Willys Tech:
Its part number: 638513

What would I have to do to adapt this to my 1964 cj5 4 cyl?

Willys Tech:
You really dont need this for the CJ-5.

Will this work on the front engine pulley on my CJ3A?

Willys Tech:
Yes it should work fine.

Where does this go? i would like to check if my 45 MB has this feature.

Willys Tech:
There should be a small hole in your front bumper that you fit it thru for the hand crank to slide thru for the manual start.
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