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Shop Kaiser Willys

2025 Kaiser Willys Parts Catalog

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2025 Kaiser Willys Parts Catalog - now with 452 pages of full color descriptions, photos, community highlights and field guides, NOW with helpful technical articles sourced from our customers!

For International Orders: Catalogs are free if placing a parts order. Simply add this product to your cart before checking out. If an order is placed for a catalog only, an international shipping fee of $32 will be charged after placing the order. Note: The international shipping charge does not apply for customers in the US, Puerto Rico and Canada.

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What type and grade of oil do the Willys CJ3A transmission case and differentials use? How many liters needed?. Tks.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Please see part number: M8024

do you still have Part #935640 available for 4.88 ratio for my dana 44 67 cj5?

Willys Jeep Part Tech:
Yes, we have plenty in stock.

I have trouble with the bendix on my cj2a they keep jamming in the ring gear =breaking up . I have converted to 12 volt starter/ 2 new starter motors /new ring gear /on the third bendix which has just blasted the end off . HELP Steve

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
If your bendix isnt getting a fast enough throw from the starter it could cause this. It may be time to just rebuild the starter and confirm the teeth on your flywheel are 97 and still in good shape.

COMPLETE ENGINE OVERHAUL KIT Pistons and Rings: Standard Main Bearing: 050 Rod Bearing: .060 I need to know what is price and shipping days to Guayaquil-Ecuador my name is Luis Mendoza 832-508-1079

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Please email and we can quote you out.

the carburetor inlet fitting Item # A215B and the fuel pump inlet fitting item #215, is their any difference. are they the same part ?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Those two parts are the same thing. The letters on the end are just interchange to the base numbers. We use it for extra parts descriptions as some parts have multiple uses in Jeeps. Thanks

i purchased item # A1098 Braided Engine to ground strap for my 1961 CJ6. The current strap is broken not sure where the attachment points are?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Front engine mounting plate on the passenger side by generator and to just below the front side of battery tray.

Can i buy the clamp on the bottom of carburetor air horn catalog item #803699 without purchasing the whole unit. Do you sell them separately, and if so, what would the price be for just the clamp?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Give us a call toll free and we can get you fixed up. 888.648.4923. Thanks

How much will it be for shipping for a catalog to Norway?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
You can download it for free here:


Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
You can download for free:

I would like to buy a Catalog 2019, and send to Bolivia. How much the cost of sending. ?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
You can download a free copy here:

I would like to buy a speedometer, can you send it to México?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Email me your full address and I can work a quote up for you. Thanks

1. Like to purchase several manuals at a total of US162.95. and two catalogues. Could you please advise payment arrangements and freight cost to Australia. Manuals are parts manuals for CJ2A,CJ3B,owners manuals for same, and Willys service manual. 2. Availability of seats/seat frames for a1974 CJ5. 3. Parts manual and workshop manual for a 1974 CJ5. Thanks David Mercer.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Please email the part numbers and quantities you need. And your full shipping address. We can quote you out. Thanks!

I have 1953 cj3b with a king pto winch on the front, I'm having some trouble getting the cable to retrive since the engine works fine could you tell me what the issue could be or how I could get it to work step by step instructions will be much appreciated thanks Murray.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
If you could call us toll free and we can try to help you out on this. We can see what is going on. Ask for me Mike M.

Good Day, what would shipping costs be to South Africa just a ball park figure?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
The shipping cost for the catalog is $35.99. Thanks

Dear Sir How much is shipping to Saudi Arabia Catalog

Willys Jeep parts Tech:
USPS international shipping is $32.99 to Saudi Arabia.


WIllys Jeep Parts Tech:
Please email your full shipping address and we can help you out on it.

1948 CJ2A S/N 180978 How are the bottom and top rear seat cushions attached to the frame? I assume they are attached to frames by drilling holes and using the seat cushion hardware kit. Is it possible to make them with a plywood "seat pan" like front seat bottom cushions attach?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
There was originally a metal pan with small hooks to attach. Or we can also do a plywood pan that is pre-stapled for you too.

Is an electronic version of your catalog available?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, please select international at the free catalog page and you will be directed to the pdf version. Also browse our shop by category section.

How much does it cost to send a copy of your catalog to Iceland?

Willys Tech:
Shipping via USPS international is typically $35.99

How much it will cost for a brochure to pist in India( jaipur Rajasthan )

Willys Tech:
Shipping via USPS international is $35.99

How much it cost to send one copy to Brazil? Its possible to pay with paypal?

Willys Tech:
Shipping to Brazil for the free catalog is $35.99 via USPS international.


Willys Tech:
We can ship these out internationally to Italy for $35.99
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